Thursday, November 18, 2010

Neues Museum Berlin

I’m afraid of him.
So I dream of kissing women
While he kisses me in my sleep.

I’m afraid I can only get hard in the kitchen
Or in the living room.

The light goes off and
I turn it back on.

The bed is for sleep- the
Bed is a serious place
I do not
Perform well this month.

Time starts in England,
And ends up as fragile as piss
Damp toilet paper off the island
Of Samoa.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

no one likes sending a lover a love letter- to which there is no reply.

A Turner

Babe I find your affections counter intuitive. Let’s talk. I will be at the café below my house tomorrow at ten twenty- ish having coffee. If you can make yourself available please join.  I don’t like not knowing us.  I’ll be alone.

There are peoples hands you are suppose to hold.
I held the hand of a dancer, a lawyer, a republican,
an architect, a cook, a doctor, a med student, a photographer, another photographer, a stylist, an intellectual young man, a friend of my brother’s, an engineer, a Portuguese speaking American about 6’5, a musical theater guy, another tortured intellectual this one an Arab Jew, 3 Poly Sci majors, a child psychologist.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Merton’s Law “ When something is perceived as real, it often becomes real.”

1)   1Curio Parlor with Tess – Trendy Dancing.
2)   2Explored Modern art Museum.
3)   3Oberkaumpf  Bars with Dom
4)   4Dancing at Cud
5)   5Saw Buenos Aeries Boy- felt oddly connected to him- chatted and had drinks.
6)   6Slept over at Buenos Aeries Boy’s house. (kisses)
7)   7Explored vintage flea market avec D and J.
8)   8Made out with Rhoman in the 1st- Beautiful walk- boring convo.
9)   9Had beautiful lunch with D and J
1                 10 Morning after sleepover at Buenos Aeries House I ran through the streets of the Marias for no real reason. The glorious spectacle of life. My own spectacle.

And I guess somethings just can not be said. 
And maybe moments are lost within the 'encoding'
of emails, phones and texts- leaving the decoder
with a handful of electronics- broken grammar- and 
a couple rare fine lines. 

'what did I want to tell him?' I ask myself every time 
we hang up.

'what did I want to say?' is the eternal longing of a boy in love.
What did I want to say? That you are the genius. 
That you are the one with words. That this anniversary doesn't 
mark a date- rather it dances to the music of a story. 
 That lately I have been running to teach myself something;
what that something is- I do not know. That in my attempting 
to be pure I worry I am doing it out of guilt. Guilt for what?- I'm not sure- or maybe I do not want to admit it. 

I wonder 'what does he want to tell me?'
I wonder about how much effort it takes.

I think of lighter things- I wonder if one can eat too many blue berries?
I wonder why the waves are bigger in the ocean this year- in comparison 
to any other year. 
I wonder why people let me bite them. I wonder why people don't bite back.
I think of Paris- then spend the same amount of energy trying to submerge 
it back into the magical abyss it manifested from. I take cautions in submerging
memories- I try my best to conserve the magic. Protect the magic for my next adventure. 
reminding myself that magic is work too, after all it is a magician's trick. 

You say "the child is born- the next chapters are the education"
The smart things you say- feel like your fingers running through my hair. 

I wonder what he has to say. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Adolf Von Menzel

We are just friends.
 I cannot sleep over because it might look bad.
How fine is the line?

The truth of the matter is
 people do take me more seriously
When I wear fake glasses.

I see
Newly trained hands-
Political science hands.
But I think of
Cobble stone wetness
Cigarette smoke
Scarves of black-
Floral musks
I take confidence that
 Our thoughts are
 Dancing outside on
 The grey chilled street where
The skinny intelligencia
Relate stories, economics
And love affairs.
A Paris education.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Madame de Pompadour will be postponing her visit to the United States- she is waiting for the politics to lighten up.

At my father’s house I cannot sleep.
I avoid becoming full.
I eat frozen blue berries with honey.
I study French.
I ride my bike to the beach.
I fold Japanese Kimonos at a textile museum.
I visit the town’s coffee shop daily.
I look at my stomach in the mirror.
I make friends with the prettiest palm tress.
I don’t drink.
I try to scare myself.
I talk to my mentor she tells the Mexican President came to her Party
She had two body guards  and a Spanish translating make-up artist.
I talk to myself
About my husband-
About  dirty subways
I talk to myself about
Succeeding and Failing
I conclude failing is not an option
I can always move onto a boat
And have friends over.
I’ll roast baby potatoes- rosemary.
Typical beautiful things like that.
So bring on cold weather
Bring on the apocalypse. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Little bags of peanuts while you wait-
Women in Baby Blue-I’m back in America.
Assimilation anxiety
Touch your toes in the
Washroom- smell the blue.
Tomato juice.
Hold tight while you wait to get off.
Nachos? Quick Beer?  
Facades of the olden days-
Facades of a village-
Facades of a what it could look like.
Four toddlers all wearing the same Nike jump suits.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oysters- House, Humble of course- expensive wine though- lots of paint- lots of veggies, friends-
- early mornings-breads, oaty breads- coffee- one more coffee- black nights-
sand- quick flights to the desert- You find a skeleton of a whale on the beach then we paint it black- back to the city- rush rush - inhales- crazy inhales- crazy people talking a lot- I fall and scrape my knee it feels kinda good- but I don't need to be reminded I am living cause I know you.  

Monday, November 1, 2010

----------------------------( 0016024101091)----------
a message in a bottle. 

Burns in Fashion
Burn in Florida Swamps
Burns- Are you in Love with Them?